Today I'm gonna teach you how to add a Tweetmeme retweet button with counter to blogger. There are actually other retweet counter services such as Backtype and Topsy but I prefer Tweetmeme cuz it's the most popular around and I like its color and looks.

Here's how:

  1. First thing's first, before you make any customizations with your HTML, Save a Template of it first.
  2. Then, tick on the box to Expand Widget Templates.
  3. Replace [TwitterUserName] with your Twitter username and copy this code.
       2:  <script type='text/javascript'>
       3:  tweetmeme_source = &#39;[TwitterUserName]&#39;;
       4:  tweetmeme_url = &#39;<data:post.url/>&#39;;
       5:  </script>
       6:  <script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
       7:  <!-- TWITTER RETWEET BUTTON END -->

  4. Search for this code:
       1:  <data:post.body/>

  5. Paste it before this if you want the button to be above your post and after it if you want it well, after it. Basically the code represents the body of the post.

And, you're done!
Happy tweeting!

Posted by Wai Kit at 10:52 PM


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