Firefox Tweaks

(Monday, September 26, 2011)

  1. Tweak the page render time from 250ms to 0ms
    nglayout.initialpaint.delay to 0.
  2. network.http.pipelining: true
    network.http.pipelining.maxrequests: 8 (maxes out at 8)
    network.http.proxy.pipelining: true
  3. Increase RAM cache setting value
    Physical RAM Memory Cache (in KB)
    32 MB 2048
    64 MB 4096
    128 MB 6144
    256 MB 10240
    512 MB 14336
    1 GB 18432
    2 GB 24576
    4 GB 30720
    8 GB and up 32768
  4. content.notify.backoffcount: 5
  5. config.trim_on_minimize: true
  6. network.prefetch-next: true

Posted by Wai Kit at 10:25 AM


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